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On Monday, October 10, 2022, BMWED Membership voted and rejected a tentative agreement between Railroad Unions and Rail Roads that was proposed last month in order to avoid the strike.

“Railroaders are discouraged and upset with working conditions and compensation and hold their employer in low regard. Railroaders do not feel valued. They resent the fact that management holds no regard for their quality of life, illustrated by their stubborn reluctance to provide a higher quantity of paid time off, especially for sickness”, said President Tony Cardwell (BMWED). Even though the deal proposed 24% pay raises and $5000 bonuses, workers expressed their concerns about how employer does not care and respect the work-life balance and disregards their working conditions.

Work-life balance, mental health, and being valued are uprising trends in today’s working environment. The movement has been especially highlighted by Railroad Unions in the United States and the UK.

Rejection of the proposal is pushing parties to engage at the negotiation table once more. The “status quo” period is set until November 19th, 2022.

BDG International will keep you updated on the progress.