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On October 25, President Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation modifying “Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences and for Other Purposes.” In an Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) release dated the same, USTR states that this proclamation would suspend “$1.3 billion in trade preferences for Thailand under the GSP based on its failure to adequately provide internationally-recognized worker rights. In addition, the President is restoring some GSP benefits for Ukraine following its passage of legislation aimed at addressing shortcomings in its intellectual property (IP) regime.”

In addition, USTR also announced that it is opening new Generalized System of Preferences eligibility reviews for two countries:  South Africa, based on IP protection and enforcement concerns, and Azerbaijan, based on worker rights concerns” and “closing GSP eligibility reviews with no loss of GSP eligibility for three countries:  Bolivia and Iraq, based on improvements in the protection of worker rights in those countries, and Uzbekistan, based on improvements in its protection and enforcement of IP rights.”

For more information, you may visit USTR’s website here.

Also read: US terminates India from GSP benefits.